Honecker Bunker

The Honecker Bunker is a massive Cold War shelter, locked up and hidden in a forest north of Berlin.
Building such a bunker at the time implied the inevitable destruction, the loss of everything and everyone around, the loss of life.

Honecker conceived the bunker to keep 400 people safe for 14 days and then face whatever was left of the world, ironically, it was built on hope.


We have Done This Project For in Very Short Deadline. Client has Given this project to a local Freelancer and they could not deliver client’s Requirement so client has contacted us and ask us to do this project in Max Deadline of 2 weeks. We have delivered Project in 8 to 9 Working Days.

We have used SketchUp For Modeling of Architecture, 3DS Max and Corona 1.5 For Rendering and Photoshop for Final Editing.

For Day View we used Simple Corona Renderer Sun & Sky and For Night View we used NoEmotion HDRi Sky.