Cottage near Lviv, UA

Our practice was responsible for the renovation of an old cottage on the periphery of Lviv city. Throughout the design process we constantly felt it’s inspiration is largely driven from both the interior of a traditional English cottage and from the Italian exterior and landscape treatment. This is what we ended up with finaly. Hope you’ll like it.


As the challenge has already been ended, & Final Image is submitted too, I thought I should try one more view for this and explore a bit more by creating another visual. i enjoyed working on this project and learned a lot. cheers !

Making of Taekwondo – The Fighters

Karim Mousa’s Egyptian ethnicity led to many “descendant of the Pharoah” jokes in the five years he lived in Bergen, Norway working for the highly regarded visualization studio Mir. If only his colleagues had known his true claim to fame was as a former international Taekwondo champion. Well, in this article we get a glimpse into that world of his as he recreates the pinnacle moment of the sport. This one is a dozzy! I’m sure you’ll enjoy diving into this amazing breakdown.

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Capri Getaway

My recent submission Capri Getaway for the Evermotion competition was a unique challenge to say the least. I was inspired by a recent trip to the Amalfi coast and wanted to push Corona Render to make a sea water shader to replicate the clear blue water of the region. Due to some limitations of Corona I also used a secondary Vray scene to help with some parts of the image. This included the setup of Phoenix FD for displacement on the water which was then transferred back to the Corona scene for the final render. I had never attempted an approach like this before but I’m glad it came together in the end because there were a few moments of doubt when I wasn’t sure how I would bypass some issues. Moving forward I’m excited to seeing how Chaosgroup can bring these two render engines together for easier collaboration in the future.