Making of Blue Bar

The Making of Blue Bar is a dive into the details by, French Interior Designer, Martin Darzacq. Going back to his showcase made here 2 months ago. Follow his process as he experiments with RailClone and Light!

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Nocturnes & Mirages project is the exploration of various ambience and lighting scenarios with the special focus on situations which seem to be underrepresented in the main stream of architectural visualization.

The early dawn scenes which take inspiration from the paintings of James Abbott McNeill Whistler, William Turner or American Realists. They are to feature no artificial light and create an unobvious scenery intended to stimulate the imagination. They require more attention and might seem unfit for the mediums based on a hectic scrolling through one’s feed but I believe they can shine when built into a more complex visual story.
Vague, blurred, impressionist, dreamy.

The high noon with its tendency of flattening of the form, smoothing of the texture irregularities and – in the absence of shadows – giving the priority to the mosaic of popping colours as well as emphasizing a larger scale geometries.
Also, the sun shimmering amid the dusty clouds and the specular vertigo to contrast the vast emptiness around.
Sharp, buzzing, colourful.

Facade panels

For a VOX company we have developed a collection of visuals presenting Facade panels. Aim of the project was to design a various architecture cases showing wide possibilities of product usage.

Afternoon laze

This image was a composition of an idyllic scene of an Iranian room using the rich colours of regular household objects, enhanced by the sunlight spilling onto them. The colour palette was kept relatively consistent with a slight variation or interest through the plants/roses, which also made this image slightly less of a realistic scene.

Architectural love

I made a lot of tests on this project. I started on corona render and later changed it on Fstorm render. Also and started to practice parametric modeling in houdini and It’s very hard for me now but I got a lot of pleasure from this work.