Newport Street Gallery | Caruso St John Architect

The third replication challenge has involved one of the newest and most interesting architecture in London, the Newport Street Gallery designed by Carus St John Architects and captured by Jesús Granada for El Croquis magazine.
The interpretation of natural ambient light is a key point to reproduce the dramatic effect generated within the room.
We used 3DS Max + Vray + Photoshop.

Full project and making of here:

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I think that an architectural image will have more impact if it manages to establish a connection with the viewer. Of course, this connection can be generated in several ways.

Failure to disclose everything is one. An image where the elements are simply suggested leaves the possibility of imagining and transcribing what is not represented.

For example, a tighter framing will encourage the viewer to imagine and transcribe a whole: He becomes an actor of the image and is involved in this connection.

Of course, there are other ways of establishing this connection with the spectator, it is up to us to find out how, depending on projects, location, history, etc.

For me succeeding in establishing this connection is much more important than a super photorealistic image and today I think it is a real challenge and a great playground.