TSR 004: The Evil Twins of ArchVIZ – Peter Guthrie and Henry Goss about Pushing The Boundary!

Creating The Boundary

Peter and Henry share the driving reasons and goals behind their decision to join forces and create The Boundary. From friends to business partners, as their individual capacities increased they decided to raise their game and share the burden of their work together. Although they just call it the next logical step, the results have been incredible.

Current Projects and What’s in (their) Store

Despite detouring from traditional architecture, Henry and Peter are more involved in architecture and design than ever before. They’ve been working with their heroes on fundamental design details from an early stage, including Peter Zumthor on the Los Angeles Museum of Art. We put Corona Renderer up against VRay, discuss animations and VR deliverables, and examine what it means at The Boundary to be a project manager, 3D artist, or project visualizer. We also chat about The Boundary Store, which they’ve set up to help people gain access to their scenes. The store is evolving to become a place where people will go to find the top brand, top-quality images.

Five Years into the Future

When I asked Peter what we need to start thinking about now so that we are still relevant five years into the future, he admitted that although he may not be excited about VR and augmented reality, he is passionate about creating beautiful images, moving images, and films. Henry recognizes that the change will be constant in this industry — there will always be other companies coming up behind you, so you must constantly push forward with your energy. And that thrust toward success is the future of business at The Boundary.

Cloudy Afternoon

“Cloudy afternoon” is a free time work done during a boring rainy day in Shanghai, the city where I’m living and working. I tried to express my mood with the softness of the light, playing with one of my favorite color palette. As interior designer I put attention on details and materials. Hope you guys like it.

Elk Valley Brewery

Unusual project based in Oklahoma city. No fancy architectural elements here but the idea is the create the feel of a real life brewery in an imagined space.

I put a lot of emphasis in creating models and realistic textures of equipment that might be found in an actual brewery, based on photographs of their existing workshops. All other elements are modeled and textured based on existing images I could find of similar large interior warehouse spaces. Apart from the unusual large blue portal frames, this really is just a large warehouse with a brewery inside!

OAK 58

The project is a mixed use building in Puebla, Mexico, the studio was in charge of visualizing some interiors and exteriores areas all of them expressing different ambiances. This image is the business center that includes a small library with reading rooms, meeting cubicles and the main meeting room.
Our intention was to create a clean and natural illuminated space in which the glass walls and reflections could stand out, we opted for a cloudy ambiance that allow us to take advantage of the beautiful context formed by a mountain chain and a couple of volcanoes. The light was setting to avoid areas strongly iluminated and sharped shadows, that was useful to show the entire business center easily.

House in the wood

For this project, I wanted to create the idea of a house, overhanging a hill and of course in the forest….since I don’t have the hardware to get all the forest done, I had to opt for matte painting, so as you already know, only the house was modelled and rendered

Sah Bal Store in Baku

Title :Shahbal Store in Masasir
Architect & 3d vusualiser:Farid Muradov
Order :Shahbal Store
Software : 3dmax 2014, vray3.4,ps cs6
Fb page : https://www.facebook.com/FaKavkaz/?pnref=lhc
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/p/BNxHv3BF2gASwLQ4av2eIi3bHH3qy5…/