Park Road Residence

We were initially asked to produce a single rear elevation shot of this new private residence to be built in Hale, just outside of Manchester – UK. There was a lot of back and forth with various brick selections to help with the design process and this is the end result. Following the success of this shot we’re now due to complete a shot of the front elevation as well as 2 internal VRs for further marketing purposes.

For more info visit our main website, link in bio.


Um platô natural no alto do morro acolhe esta casa construída com os materiais tradicionais da região. O desenho revela elaboração no telhado oculto pouco inclinado, horizontalidade de modulação tanto das fachadas como dos ambientes internos.

A natural plateau at the top of the hill accepts this house built with the traditional materials of the region. The design reveals the creation of a hidden roof with little inclination, the horizontality of the modulation both of the facades and of the internal environments.