NYC Aquarium

Besides rendering, we also like to design visionary projects. NYC Aquarium is one of them. Multi storey NYC Aquarium simulating different faunas and floras of underwater life in connected tanks. Designed with optimal conditions for diversity of underwater life.


Metro and subway maps can tell us a lot about cities. For example, by comparing metro maps from different cities, you might be able to understand those cities’ relative size or level of development. Or, by comparing a metro map to an earlier version from the same city, you can learn about the pace of development being experienced in that city. What these “maps” rarely tell you with any reliability, though, is the actual geography of the city itself.

The angel sculpture in the landscape park

What I used to create:
Light – Peter Guthrie SKY HDRi Collection, 3DCollective_HDRi;
Models – Megascans, Maxtree, Evermotion, stocks;
Textures – Megascans, Poliigon, Cut out, RDT, other.

Inspiration – landscaped parks of America and England, gothic sculptures and statues.

You can find more images from this project here: