Free GrowFX Plants Library

Exlevel announced today the creation of a free GrowFX 3D Plants library, as well as 30% special discount on GrowFX purchase for Christmas and New Year holidays. The new library offers pre-made trees and other types of plants in GrowFX 1.8.0 format… so now you can load these trees as presets if you like and keep on designing your own trees based on that, instead of just doing it all from scratch!

GrowFX 1.8.0 Beta was announced on Novemeber 28, 2011. You can check the details about this release on Exlevel forum news thread – GrowFX 1.8.0 Beta Version Is Now Available.

Get GrowFX here…

Here are some GrowFX tree examples…

For a great intro about how to use GrowFX, read the GrowFX Custom 3D Foliage Creation article by xoio studio.