10 More Amazing Matte Painting Videos by Gordon Tarpley

I keep following Gordon Tarpley on vimeo and find his breakdown videos very inspiring and informative. I previously posted 8 amazing matte painting videos he made. This will be the second installment of his videos that I gather here for your enjoyment.

Auditorium Exterior from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.

Tea Room from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.

ARTIC high speed rail station winning concept. from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.

Watercolor style theater renovation render from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.

Corridor Render from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.

CGChannel April Matte painting Challenge WIP video from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.

View From Mount Pilatus speed paint from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.

Concept 2 speed paint from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.

The 5 fugitives of the Shoalin Temple Matte Painting from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.

Port Quick Concept Paintover from Gordon Tarpley on Vimeo.