Converted entry by tparra

The power of a historic project is incredible, all the memories lived for years are on walls that today seem to have no purpose.
This is an old project in a historic city São Francisco do Sul, the idea for this building is to keep the essence of the project, preserving the memory but with a new purpose.

Converted entry by fairuz h

*mahoosive: /məˈhuːsɪv/ adjective, Informal-British. Exceptionally big; huge.

Rapid development around middle east region faces the needs of construction supply of sand and other construction materials- but these were halted due to recent economic downturns, pandemic and human displacements resulted in project abandonment, + Industrial machinery sitting on site or warehouse not being utilized or reaching end of life with high cost to move these machinery/huge machinery…. “Mahoosive” machinery*.

Apart from issues such as climate change and habitat destruction due to this technicalities and huge apparatus, it can feel insurmountably large and shifting upon how we approach new creative ways of exacting change or a new design.
Conversions, revitalizations of this structures and abandoned site is one such method of these conversions & intervention.

There is somewhat a poetic essence about huge grounded machines & defunct technologies assembled at great human and financial cost that was left off the map, especially in a natural environment.
Abandonment and derelict, it separates emotion and a sense of genius loci (sense of belonging) towards the place, hence the proposal seeks to redefine, and regenerate the nature-semi built environment for a more sustainable design.

The low footprint from vertical architecture allows the remaining areas to be left into green space and dedicated activities. Recycle or Scrap-conversion is a way for a low carbon footprint.

The site:
Misfat Al Abriyeeni is a tiny hill village, high in the Mafjar Mountains, which is located in Wilayt Al Mamra in A’Dakhiliyah Region Oman, surrounded by granite & limestone mountains and river wadi’s , its highly exploited for their earth minerals and building construction materials. (note: generic imaginary site)

Summary of Proposal:
-Abandoned & sterile site/Quarry
-Aging , idled machinery and equipment
-under utilized or damaged machines
-It’s challenging to relocate, remove, or dispose the machinery

-Conversions of existing quarry apparatus and huge machinery + intervention of landscape to revitalize the genius loci of that particular area. e.g. Hotels, Public Parks, Landscape areas.
-Large Machinery: architectural components (revitalized)
-Medium to small machinery: architectural follies
-Restoration of local ruins and architecture: proposed visitor centre, etc.
-dedicated landscape/parks

Converted entry by Osvaldo da silva

The expression of this Architecture, translated not only the teachings of Le Corbusier’s letter of attention, but also the Modern forms developed in Brazil, the greatest representatives of the modern movement in Angola were the architects Vasco Viera da Costa and Simão de Carvalho, who having being a pupil of Le Corbuier, they had in Angola the space for experimenting with movement, creating rational and functional buildings with well-defined geometric shapes and lack of sense of purpose.
The buildings It is located in Angola on the African continent in the city of Luanda, due to my higher education in architecture, I love to see the modern old buildings and it gives a new function to maintain the same function or even maintain the same function. My country does not know how to treat and value these buildings which + is a great masterpiece on earth. And I always try to show with my art as much as the old buildings can gain a new life and value the work of great architects such as Vasco Viera da Costa and Simão de carvalho.

Converted entry by Reyaz Alankandy

A few years ago, I came across this beautiful piece of architecture on a trip to Kazbegi, Georgia.
Surrounded by frosty bare trees, this abandoned building shied away from the morning sun for a while; or so it seemed. The snow-top mountains add the perfect backdrop to this time-worn property.
It was a while before I learned this is the Stepantsminda Museum of History.
Upon learning the concept of this competition, I must say I was intrigued. I rummaged through ideas and designs, unimpressed until I found images of the museum in my gallery.
My intent is to convert this museum into a minimal, urban-styled public school, revamping the environment with modern and chic elements.

Converted entry by undaba

The emblematic site is in the heart of the historic centre of Bucharest, RO. The corner building is an attraction point being situated in a small piazza and being sorrounded by buildings with different architectural styles and functions. Nowadays the public square is heavily used for parking.
The aim of the project is to recreate the Piazza and re-adapt a former housing space in a creative atelier, a cafe and exhibition hall. They will act as a set for public and/or private events, a meeting point between artists and enthusiasts.

Converted entry by winterman23

Tower was build in the 30s but the concrete structure is still robust and firm. The facility is located near a remote little town surrounded by open fields, a perfect scenery for escapists dream and train enthusiasts. I do have dimensions for this building as I have made an inventory documentation during my years in college. I already have a rough Idea for its conversion which I would like to explore in my next entry but for now I can tell that the main focus of this project and its archviz is going to be to show a mixture between the old and the new but with a twist.