The challenge of Tomorrow entry by Henri Guillaud_Beauregard

Here is 3 moodboards for the 3 still images i’ll produce for the challenge, from Archviz agencies i love (mostly Beauty&thebit, Brickvisual and Luxigon). I’ll try to adapt the site architecture to match those moods and create nice compositions.

My major personal challenges will be to increase my modeling level of detail, scan myself some vegetation or items and integrate them to the scenes, and also find an interesting storytelling for each scene… One of the images may become an interior view, showing exterior too.

CABINS entry by Henri Guillaud_Beauregard

Beside the potatoe choice, I’ve got a lack of rock and environment modelisation, texturing and rendering training. That’s why I chose this Icelandic picture. I also love “drama lighted” surroundings, and can rarely use it in my business work… Blue environment fits so nice with hot orange/warm colors brought by interior lighting or sunset/sunrise.
By the way, I’m still not an expert in picture composing, and I’m looking for making lots of tests so I can grow some experience on your kind feedbacks.