Hello everyone, well this is obviously inspired in a popular video game and a couple of films. I’m not to sure if I’m breaking any rules by doing something out of our planet but I always liked this concept and wanted to create something in this type of environment.

Concept: This a BioRing, turns out mankind was… kind enough to not only build a ring for themselves but also one for other species as a shelter. The idea was to preserve and save the wildlife of our planet by creating this bio ring which replicates their natural environment.

Our cabin is not a simple cabin with luxuries, is more of a shelter where scientist study and help the preservation of the lifeforms in the ring.

So far I’ve done some rough modelling and a few shots to get my head around this.

I know is a bit ambitious considering that I must deliver a couple of 360 views apart from 3 renders but I’ll do my best in administrating my time between this and my current job. It’s a shame I cannot drink redbull.


5 replies
  1. Sheppard
    Sheppard says:

    Heading into higher orbit… All systems go!
    I’m interested to see how you’ll focus the vistas with a cabin on the ring. Will they be omni-directional, focused away from the ring and towards the planet below, or will the views focus on any greenery along the ring.
    Looking forward to continued development.

    • Wolfgang Pereira
      Wolfgang Pereira says:

      Hi Sheppard I’m still debating myself on what to do, since I’m really tight on time and I work on an average system I need to be smart on this one. I want to do both things and I even want to do one shot from the opossite side of the ring (like an aerial shot) but we will see… Thanks for your feedback!

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