Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-19273963

It is still quiet outside. It is also quiet in the museum. It is the moment in the morning before the museum will be opened. The museum guides will arrive very soon. At this point, only the main hall and the exhibition “Louvre statues” is illuminated.

The terrain in the foreground acts as a guide to lead the viewers’ attention to the museum. I used trees, ivy and stones with additional subtle details for that purpose.

Additionally, I worked with a focal element which is the Spartacus statue crowded by ivy which gets the viewers’ attention and guides him further to the museum. The statue also serves as an object to get a better feeling of the scale of the building.

The biggest challenge for me was a new render engine and a lot of new tools to create a nice-looking environment. This was the most time-consuming part.

It is worth mentioning that I deviated from my original concept. Originally, I placed a person in the foreground of the scene, but I decided to discard that idea. I put so much effort into the foreground that I didn’t want to screw it with a person covering it up.

Working on this project gave me the chance to experiment with a variety of interesting tools and most importantly a great opportunity to gain experience using these in a project like this.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-19273963

For the first time I tried something new. 3-Point-Lightning. It’s used for cinematic shots. I really want to achieve some kind of a cinematic atmosphere (like in my reference image – VPP Shelter box). I thought that could be the right choice, so I gave it a try.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-19273963

It’s going to be simple. I want to focus on the main facade which faces the sea view (at the original site).

In addition, I will focus on the black facade which stands out best with a lot of contrast in comparison to the sky. Just like a cloudy windy white with a nuance of clouds.

To emphasize the cube as much as possible the cube is positioned in the middle of the canvas and surrounded by large pine trees and bushes.

To achieve depth in the image I’m using a few layers. Foreground with three trees, stones and all kinds of greens. In the middleground is the museum itself and the background is crowded with huge trees and bushes.