Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-95945927

Hi, in this post the last one before the final update i’ll show you the process i went trough. First of all after having the basic concept of my image, i started to play with the main light and for me that was the sun, until i found the angle that i had in mind, from the beginning i wanted some strong and long shadows like a “Golden hour” kind of look. After that i started to work on my secondary lights for me those were the interior ones.

Having the lights i started working on the materials, i spend most of my time on the facade one, i wanted the material to look a little bit old rather than new, so i combined different materials of wood and with a blend material with a vray dirt as a mask i gave the facade material an aged look only in some spots. I Think this was one of the parts i enjoyed the most.

Having the materials of the building i started to work on the environment, fist by modeling the ground. After that i started to work on the fist layer of plants and trees, i always start to work from the smallest ones to the tallest. For this part i used Forest Pack Pro, i use 6 different forest packs for the grass and little plants. After having a the look i wanted for the grass i started to work on the trees, i used two different forest packs for this in one of this i put the trees by hand in the exact place i want them.

Finally i was happy with the result of the ambient and the lighting so i render a high resolution test to see the result. Here ill post the final render without post production.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-95945927

After rotating around the model i decided punt some ideal cameras and draw on them on Photoshop. Doing that i can make a basic draws of the final image and decide which one i like the most.
In this way i can imagine what i want to see in the image, how the light is gonna hit the building and the way the shadows will be.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-95945927

First i studied the project plans and photos provided on ArchDaily and on the web to have a simple knowledge of the building itself and the intention of it. Then I started to model the project, first I modeled the basic walls and then the interior walls, after that I modeled the facade, then the frames and windows.

Having the model and a good knowledge of the project I started to search for references of what I had in mind. Then I started to make basic concepts in Photoshop with the reference images and photos of the building.