Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-16555445

I had more time than usual this weekend, so I’ve decided to create more images for this project.
This is one of them, snow scene. Foreground and background is a mix of mate painting and 3d elements. The scene is pretty simple but I think it’s realistic and effective.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-16555445

Last week I was crazy busy, but today I had some free time to work on the final image. I finished the materials, the birch and couple more props for the scene, render atmosphere, etc…
Hopefully I will be less busy this week and do couple more images I think they could be fun.
Here is the spring birch render and couple crops from render.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-16555445

Today I had some free time to make the building materials, tweak the lighting and model the grass elements. I’ll tweak even more the materials later on.
This Sunday, I’ll be working on modeling the trees, rocks and other scenery stuff I plan to use in scene. Birch tree is first on my to do list. I think it will go nicely with the black facade and white gravel and the yellow birch catkins will nicely connect with the yellow of the Kk sign. This also means I will update my final color pallet with yellow as the “color of interest”.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-16555445

After some camera testing, I’ve decided to pull back the camera and not to show the building as “in your face” but go with “photographers” approach and make little more complex composition.
As for the atmosphere I’ll go something like an afternoon semi-foggy early spring day kinda of feel. -Something between two references with a “pinch” of sunlight.
Also I did the quick conceptual drawing with the very rough color pallet I will use. -The idea is ready for the story to evolve.

Tomorrow Challenge entry by User-16555445

Almost finished with the modeling of the museum, still missing couple of details on facades (door knobs, Kk sign…etc).
Attached are some screenshots of the modeling processes.
It took me about a 7-8h of my free time to finish this model from plans, googled photographs and other information I could gather.
As for the landscape, I’ve decided to keep the current park as it is in reality and not fake it (at least the walkways and green surfaces). I believe this will make the process little more challenging and fun for me.
And since the deadline for this one image is in three weeks, I think I’ll model the plants from scratch and make custom textures for this project.