Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-58471945

After research and sketching, I decided to make a monumental composition rather than a detailed and complicated one. I wanted to create a calm and warm atmosphere of Indian summer – the time when the school year starts. As a result, the viewer has a feeling balanced environment to walk around. I decided to keep the foreground empty, without images in order to concentrate all attention on the building itself. I placed a couple of students in the background for better understanding of the building’s function.
The facade material inspired me to recreate it closer to natural, which was challenging.
The rhythm of windows, stairs, and lamps set the dynamics of the image.Also the reflections part is always fun for me i love to add some extra in it.I hope you guys like it.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-58471945

Hello everyone. This is my working progress. Finally i found camera satisfying for me and interesting from composition and light side of things. I dont wont to create some wierd atmosphere so i decided to stick with original (Architectural Univercity mood). Next step is textures, then details and some students for the final touches 😉