This is most probably my last update before final submission. I am really enjoying the process. Being the only visual artist in a quite big architecture firm usually leaves no time for refinement, detailing and even desired composition. I really enjoyed the opportunity of fine-tuning composition, details, coming back to it after several days to realize what else can be improved. In short, this is my first time entering a challenge, big thanks to Ronen & Tomorrow for this exciting event, it was like a Christmas holidays for my brain and eyes 😀 !

Here is what I have done:
^^ I had hard times finding the lighting conditions – dark enough to clearly see illuminated interiors, but light enough to read all materials and surrounding details, also to catch a color balance between sky and interior illumination. For this reason, I decided to tonemap the HDRI, I show it in the image below (or above :))

^^I did several tests with people. I don’t have 3d people in the poses I need. So I collected photos and cut and draw them as I need, I always create what I need even if I dont have ready material for it. I decided to map poeple on planes and create billboards, and render with the scene. Since it is eye level, I had no problems with perspective. I also did a test placing them in Photoshop as in usual workflow, but I decided they are blending in scene better this way

^^I made some schemes of composition and toning, based on my view. I will use them to enhance the composition in post-production. One scheme is showing tonal depth planes and another is showing leading areas.

^^I placed trees with very few leaves, as in late autumn and created falling leaves caught in motion blur. I like how blurred yellow-orange leaves are seen on dark facade reflecting blue skies. Also using tree with crowded leaves would disbalance my composition by creating equally dark areas as facade.

^^Please check the sequence of images, to see how my image has emerged.
