Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-13956556

As stated in my previous update, I want to be as faithful as possible to the existing building, in its context, Therefore i searched for a lot of references from around the building, to really capture the look of the everyday objects in the street that, in one way or another, play a big part in the whole composition and the cenario in which it’s inserted, creating a familiar feeling and adding realism to the composition.
As i write this update i’m rendering the final image and will start the post production in a few hours, i’ll post another update in the next couple of days.
Thank you

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-13956556

I just finished the facade material, i first tried doing it with procedural texturing but i didn’t liked the end result so i turned to traditional UV method where i used photo references to replicate the panels exactly as they are in the building, some of them were photobashed and some of them were painted by hand using a wacom tablet.
Most of the other materials in the scene are still being worked on, specially the vines which still requires a lot of work.

Tomorrow Challenge 2018 entry by User-13956556

My idea is to show the main building as being discovered by someone walking through the city, in the middle of the old buildings so as to show urban context.
At first i tried to find the best composition by walking through the model but i wasn’t satisfied with the image I came up with. Therefore, i turned to drawn sketches to have a clearer idea of the layout and lighting I was looking for. I wanted to be as close to reality as possible and thankfully, there are a lot of good reference images out there, so i decided to replicate street signs, manholes, benches, garbage bins, street lights and use bikes as props in the final image. As for the lighting i’m going for an overcast day with very diffuse shadows, and a warm light coming from the main building, displaying an average day of classes at the school. The easy part is now over, which is modelling everything, and now I have to do all the texturing, something that I find a lot more challenging.