Wake Up in 2051 – Animation

Work in Progress for 2 animations, meant to imagine another way of living in 30 years from now

When instead of overpopulated and over poluted cities, supporting consumerism and enviroment deterioration people would live in low-density natural inhabitants

The modern technology like 5G or dron deliveries and taxies would keep peoples’ life as convinient as they are, while merge with nature will lower down the stress levels, improve well-being and self-awareness

Upcycled and recycable materials (recycled plastic, fabrics, wood) are applied whenever possible.

House holds and serving drons would be powered by solar or wind energy and 3D dimentional connection with friends and colleagues is provided through a hologram platfrom

Notable Replies

  1. erfan3p says:

    Very good WIPs, loved them.

  2. x-stas says:

    quite realistic guess about future :slightly_smiling_face:

Continue the discussion at talk.ronenbekerman.com

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