Crowded Challenge entry by Jorge Claros

Bogota has over 8m habitants, so you can imagine how difficult it becomes to arrive any place when every single person is trying to do the same thing at the same time.

The intention with this project was to recreate this feeling of hurry and awkwardness making it even better, because it gets even harder when its raining.

In the same way the recreation of the materials was challenging, because them were wet. Also choosing the right place was crucial, so I decided to locate the scene in Bogota’s downtown “centro international” (international center), because there meet different cultures, taking place a great variety of activities.

Crowded Challenge entry by Jorge Claros

Bogota has over 8m habitants, so you can imagine how difficult it becomes to arrive any place when every single person is trying to do the same thing at the same time.

The intention with this project was to recreate this feeling of hurry and awkwardness making it even better, because it gets even harder when its raining.

In the same way the recreation of the materials was challenging, because them were wet. Also choosing the right place was crucial, so I decided to locate the scene in Bogota’s downtown “centro international” (international center), because there meet different cultures, taking place a great variety of activities.

Crowded Challenge entry by Jorge Claros

Bogota has over 8m habitants, so you can imagine how difficult it becomes to arrive any place when every single person is trying to do the same thing at the same time.

The intention with this project was to recreate this feeling of hurry and awkwardness making it even better, because it gets even harder when its raining.

In the same way the recreation of the materials was challenging, because them were wet. Also choosing the right place was crucial, so I decided to locate the scene in Bogota’s downtown “centro international” (international center), because there meet different cultures, taking place a great variety of activities.

Crowded Challenge entry by Jorge Claros

With this image the main purpose is to experiment the different tools that anima has to offer, so I want some people moving hurried to get a cab or the bus, while some others are just waiting the rain to stop, or simply getting wet because there is no more choise.

The location is the city where I live Bogota, the capital city. Where the crowds are huge in rush hours. I set the scene at noon, when everybody is looking to get their homes after a hard day work.

But is not easy because is raining and all the cabs are ocuppied, the buses aswell, and for some it looks likethe only option is to wait.