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Walk The Room







My Top Software

Corona Renderer
Forest Pack
Floor Generator

AL - Sickla Office

August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Upcoming office development in Stockholm

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Urban Escape - AMF Fastigheter

August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Upcoming development in Stockholm

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Skanska Sthlm New

August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Upcoming development in Stockholm

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AL - Sickla Front 2

August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Upcoming development in Stockholm

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Fabege - Ekensbergvagen, Stockholm

August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Built architecture visualization.

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Sickla Transportation Hub

August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Floor Generator, Forest Pack, RailClone, SketchUp / by WalkTheRoom

Illustration of Stockholm's most busy transportation hub development.

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Office Furniture Showroom

August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

It's about a space that is meant to be used as an office furniture showroom. Due to limited natural light most accent was put on spotlights to highlight various zones and pieces. Mostly based on IES lights.

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AL - Sickla Office

Upcoming office development in Stockholm



Urban Escape - AMF Fastigheter

Upcoming development in Stockholm



Skanska Sthlm New

Upcoming development in Stockholm



AL - Sickla Front 2

Upcoming development in Stockholm



Fabege - Ekensbergvagen, Stockholm

Built architecture visualization.



Sickla Transportation Hub

Illustration of Stockholm's most busy transportation hub development.



Office Furniture Showroom

It's about a space that is meant to be used as an office furniture showroom. Due to limited natural...

AL - Sickla Office


August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Office development in Sickla, Stockholm.

Studio: Walk The Room
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Stockholm

Urban Escape - AMF Fastigheter


August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

I was lucky and honoured to work on a very important visualisation for property development in very central Stockholm. Urban Escape is a city block in the center of Stockholm, comprising of five new commercial buildings, development of four streets and two public squares. Work done for WalkTheRoom, Sweden. Tools: Max, Corona, Forest, Rail, PS.

Studio: Walk The Room
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Stockholm

Skanska Sthlm New


August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Skyscrapers do not happen often in Sweden, but when it happens it’s gotta be big and… outstanding. One other project I was lucky and honoured to visualize is Skanska’s STHLM NEW Skyscraper by Sauerbruch Hutton Architects. All done under the hood and guidance of WalkTheRoom Team. I personally was in charge for the hero shot, 2 street views, 2 office stills and a whole bunch of VR points, including my biggest achievement to date – a fully immersive VR of a lively street. It’s so good that people were going bananas on that. Try it yourself, I promise. Software used: 3DsMax, Corona, Forest Pack, Railclone, PS. More info and a simple 360 tour are available on http://sthlmnew.com/husen/stockholm-01/

Studio: Walk The Room
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Stockholm

AL - Sickla Front 2


August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Property development in Sickla, Stockholm. Extensive usage of Forest Pack and Railclone, first time usage of Walls and Tiles plugin by VizPark. Mostly 3D with some building in bg from photos. Rendering done for WalkTheRoom.

Studio: Walk The Room
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Stockholm

Fabege - Ekensbergvagen, Stockholm


August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Forest Pack, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Office building visualization done on behalf of WalkTheRoom, Sweden. This is an existing building which will undergo some facade changes. Forest pack and railclone was used for specific elements of the picture. Mostly 3D with just the people and minor post-production done in Photoshop.

Studio: Walk The Room
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Stockholm

Sickla Transportation Hub


August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Floor Generator, Forest Pack, RailClone, SketchUp / by WalkTheRoom

An illustration of an upcoming development to the Stockholm Sickla Transporation Hub and it’s neighbourhood. Render done for WalkTheRoom. Fully 3D apart from some 2D cutout people and the bridge. Render done for WalkTheRoom.

Studio: WalkTheRoom
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Stockholm

Office Furniture Showroom


August 30, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop / by WalkTheRoom

Our client approached us to visualise one of their spaces due to be rented soon. It’s about a space that is meant to be used as an office furniture showroom. Due to limited natural light most accent was put on spotlights to highlight various zones and pieces. Mostly based on IES lights.

Studio: WalkTheRoom
Personal/Commissioned: Commissioned Project
Location: Stockholm

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