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Stevø Tyelaap









Hubstacks is a group of creatives who focus on illustrating unbuilt architecture and real estate branding. You can expect us approaching each project as a whole and illustrating every detail in it, after carefully thinking it through. We strive to make conspicuous compositions by creating an interesting and unique atmosphere in them. ---------------------------------- Hubstacksは不動産ブランディング、まだ建てられていない建物のパースを手掛ける独創的デザイナーの団体です。 プロジェクトを考える際に、心を込めて細かいところまで注意を行き届かせることは我々の得意技です。 常に独特な雰囲気を描こうとしていて、顕著な構図を狙っています。 ---------------------------------- Hubstacks är en grupp av kreativa människor som fokuserar på att skapa obebyggda fastigheter och arkitektur. Vi tar ett helhetsansvar för var projekt och sätter detaljer i centrum, efter att vi noga tänkt igenom det hela. Vi strävar efter att konstruera iögonfallande kompositioner med hjälp av en alldeles intressant och unik atmosfär i dem. ---------------------------------- Hubstacks on luova ryhmä, joka keskittyy rakentamattoman arkkitehtuurin kuvittamiseen ja kiinteistöjen brändäykseen.Voit luottaa että, lähestymme jokaista projektia kokonaisuutena ja kuvaamme, jokaisen yksityiskohdan harkittuamme sen huolellisesti. Pyrimme tekemään houkuttelevia kokonaisuuksia, luomalla niihin kiinnostavan ja ainutlaatuisen tunnelman.

My Top Software

Forest Pack

Yarra Butterflies

July 12, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, Photoshop, SketchUp, V-Ray / by Stevø Tyelaap

Feel the breeze, feel the light. Spread your wings and fly with us through the allure of luxury living and this exquisite and clever design.

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Yarra Butterflies

Stevø Tyelaap

July 12, 2017 / in 3dsmax, Forest Pack, Photoshop, SketchUp, V-Ray / by Stevø Tyelaap

We present to you the project Yara Butterflies which is a milestone in the process of Hubstacks’ re-branding. Only one part of the project is in the following document and the whole one can be found at our developing web-site – www.hbstcx.com or at our Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/HBSTCKS/.
A few of the illustrations are introduced here while the page which includes a detailed project workflow is being developed as a part of the above mentioned re-branding.
Furthermore, at the link https://roundme.com/tour/162108/view/410698 you can spin round a 360 image and more closely feel the atmosphere in which we imagined this luxury residence.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions and evaluation.

Art Direction: Stevø Tyelaap
Project Management: Milena Djinic
3D Modeling/Rendering: Dario Peric | Dragan Vukovic
Developing: Lillian Segan | Sari Kuosmanen
Postproduction/Storytelling: Bojana Djukic

Studio: HUBSTACKS | Creative Agency
Personal/Commissioned: Personal Project
Location: Melbourne

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