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" Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it. "
Salvador Dalí
Spanish Surrealist artist

From the Showcase Section

" Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. "
Pablo Picaso
Spanish artist

From the Tutorials Section


Chaos Corona 8 Released

Out with the “Old” and in with the “New.” Corona Renderer is now entirely in the brand and called Chaos Corona, with both 3ds Max and Cinema 4D versions released on the same day.

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Making of Les Davis Winery

A simple scene and simple composition and yet so striking as an image. Follow Arthur Neveu as he describes his two-day process making of Les Davids Winery visualization.

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Factory Fifteen is looking for you!

We are looking for a Senior Creative / Art Director looking for a new challenge, working within an acclaimed London-based CGI studio led by Bafta award-winning directors, specializes in visualization, 3D design/animation, and immersive industries.

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